Kevin Moran
Kevin T. Moran is co-founder and principal of Integral, LLC, a leading analytical consulting firm serving the U.S. and international non-profit community based in Washington, D.C. With his nearly 20 years of experience, Kevin provides strategic analytical consulting to clients including the ASPCA, Doctors without Borders, PlanUSA, the National Audubon Society, United States Holocaust Museum and Memorial, and Defenders of Wildlife among others. Prior to launching Integral, Kevin held senior level fundraising positions at The Nature Conservancy where he was responsible for growing the file to 1,000,000 members and directing the Conservancy’s online presence. Kevin served in lead fundraising roles at The National Parks and Conservation Association, The Wilderness Society, the Human Rights Campaign, and AARP. Additionally, he was a strategy consultant at two interactive marketing agencies serving the nonprofit community – IAPPS and AppNet/Commerce One. Kevin is an industry thought leader who has spoken at many events including DMA conferences in New York and Washington, the Bridge Conference, the Convio Summit and the Target Summit. His expertise is in helping organization leverage analytics to build, manage and grow key business models including online, direct response, major donor, advocacy, and planned giving.