Data Strategy Forum: Forward Looking, Historically Correct
Blogs Back in 2016, it wasn’t an easy decision to rebrand an event with a history as rich and valued as the DMAW List Bazaar. However, with great challenges comes great opportunity and we knew we had an opportunity to deliver a truly unique event to DMAW’s membership while also expanding the appeal of the…
It’s a Great, Great Sustainers World
Blogs I’m really excited because it seems that monthly giving, sustainer giving is finally taking off. The way it should be. The way I’ve seen it work in Europe. The way I’ve seen it work in organizations, committed to growing their sustainer programs. But to be honest, it’s been coming very slowly. Nonprofits here have…
The Digital Fundraiser’s Blind Spot
Blogs You may not realize it, but you and I have blind spots. And I don’t mean metaphorically (at least not yet), I mean your eyes literally have areas where they can not see. Most of the time, our blind spots are unrecognizable—but they are very real—and I am about to prove it to you.…
In Support of Direct Mail
In Support of Direct Mail “Direct mail is outdated! Who responds to mail anymore?” “Direct mail acquisition costs too much.” “Digital is the future of fundraising.” For anyone who has spent time in the direct mail space, these criticisms of direct mail are familiar. To be honest, even I had some of these thoughts before…
Virtual Acquisition Strategy Forum
Blogs Virtual Acquisition Strategy Forum Earlier this month, several members of our team had the pleasure of attending the virtual DMAW Acquisition Strategy Forum. The forum was informative for anyone interested in developing multi-channel acquisition and covered all aspects of acquisition strategy, including audience development, creative strategy, analytics, and retention. If you weren’t able to…
How to Forecast and Reforecast During Coronavirus
How to Forecast and Reforecast During Coronavirus Before you begin reforecasting or budgeting for the next fiscal year, make sure your plan is as comprehensive and detailed as possible. A budget by donor type, program, campaign, and channel is an essential tool to help manage unpredictability and provide a framework when revenue or expenses need…
The Right to (Data) Privacy: How the Federal and State Legislation Are Addressing Data Privacy Concerns
Blogs The Right to (Data) Privacy: How the Federal and State Legislation Are Addressing Data Privacy Concerns The right to privacy has been a hotly debated issue for over a century in the United States. As far back as 1890, future Associate Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, along with attorney Samuel D. Warren, wrote that…
Gratitude in Uncertain Times: 12 Tips to Show Donors They Matter
Blogs Gratitude in Uncertain Times: 12 Tips to Show Donors They Matter As we write this from our home offices in Maryland and Virginia, incredible staff at the nonprofits we care about are scrambling to figure out how to continue driving their missions through the COVID-19 pandemic. We are speaking with clients throughout the day…
Why Retention Matters
Blogs Why Retention Matters We can all agree that donor retention is important, but really how important? Presenters Marie Kosanovich and Courtney Lewis revealed at last week’s Lunch and Learn: Retention and Lapsed Strategies, that acquiring new donors, members, and customers has become extremely competitive due to a crowded marketplace. The abundance of options has…
Crisis Communications for Nonprofits in the Digital Age
Blogs If you’re like me you might have wondered why at the Annual Business Meeting of the Direct Marketing Association of Washington, our keynote speakers were speaking on crisis communications as opposed to, one might be forgiven for assuming, direct marketing. But, when you dig into the outcomes of a crisis – it is clear…