The Online Brand Message…Should I Attend?
by David Plaut “Build it and they will come.” Well, maybe but will they keep coming? And who will come? Customers? … Probably. Competitors? …Definitely. I happened to come up with the right product at the right time about 20 years ago and come they did. I created software in 1990 to help students write papers…
DMAW February 2012 Update
How to Successfully Position and Design Your Organization’s Online Brand DMAW Monthly Luncheon Thursday, February 16 | 12 Noon – 2:00 PM SEIU Conference Center, Washington, DC (Seating is limited) Join Dina Wasmer as she shares best practices for positioning and designing your organization’s online brand. Websites, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, email marketing…
QR Codes: Misunderstood? Or Are We Missing the Point?
By Allison King Until recently, I didn’t have a smartphone, so I never paid much attention to QR codes since I wasn’t able to scan them anyway. But now I’ve finally joined the ranks of 72.5 million (and growing) smartphone owners in the U.S. and I downloaded a free QR code scanner from the App…
Timely Advice: Integrate Your Year End Campaigns
by Eliza Temeles Recently I attended the DMAW’s monthly luncheon where a packed house turned out to hear Roger Craver, Founder of DonorTrends, editor of share his insights on Integrating Your Year End Campaigns. For most, one big lesson had to be this: when Roger Craver’s speaking, you can’t afford to miss it. But…
Content is Dues
by Christy Jones When I saw this phrase originally this morning, it was in an email memo to our membership committee chair, alerting her of the deadline for our monthly membership newsletter. I groaned initially as I caught the typo after it had been sent, but then (must have been the caffeine influx), my mind took…
Association Marketing Trends and Technologies
Association Marketing Trends & Technologies Wednesday, October 19, 2011 | 8:00AM – 4:30PM Kellogg Conference Hotel, Gallaudet University | Washington, DC This is not your ordinary association marketing event! DMAW brings 50+ years of marketing education experience to present 1 day, 100+ association marketing attendees/speakers, and new ideas you can implement immediately, including: Grow membership…
DMAW September 2011 Update
Integrating Your Year-End Campaigns Thursday, September 15 | 12Noon – 2:00 PM SEIU Conference Center, Washington, DC Speaker: Roger Craver, President & Founder DonorTrends DMAW’s September Monthly Luncheon When Roger Craver speaks, everyone listens! Roger, a veteran of direct response fundraising, will walk you through the essentials for an integrated year-end campaign. Need a little…
The 2011 MAXI Award Winners
Established in 1979, the MAXI Awards program recognizes and honors outstanding achievements in the field of direct marketing. The criteria for MAXIs illustrate the difference between a MAXI and other contests in that a campaign’s results will carry more weight than any of the other scored criteria. All entries are judged on the following six…