The Scoop You Need on the DMAW MAXI Award
Just a few things that should be on your calendar this February Groundhog Day. Valentine’s Day. President’s Day. DMAW MAXI Award Deadline. As you probably noticed, one has already passed and the next three are very quickly approaching. It’s time to be recognized for all the work you’ve put in this past year. All the…
Could an Attorney General use his charity regulatory powers for political purposes?
Submitted by Geoffrey Peters, CEO, Moore DM Group On January 21, 2015, The Humane Society of the United States (“HSUS”) filed suit against the State of Oklahoma alleging that Oklahoma’s Attorney General, E. Scott Pruitt, despite not having received a single complaint from any contributor to HSUS that they were misled by any HSUS charitable…
Obama again proposes limit to charitable deduction
Submitted by Geoffrey Peters, CEO, Moore DM Group In conjunction with his State of the Union address, President Obama released his budget and capital gains proposal. In his budget, as in the past, he proposed a 28% cap on the charitable deduction despite substantial research by many economists and others that any such cap reduce…
One Day You’re In…The Next Day You’re Out!
The Attorney General of California has issued new regulations regarding charities, fundraisers, the solicitation process and registration requirements. The new regulations go far beyond the statutes passed by the state legislature and arguably far beyond what is permitted under the United States Constitution. First some background. This is the same Attorney General who recently settled…
Processing Facility Consolidations Resume in January 2015
Submitted by Darin Marks, Resource Director, Production Solutions As the Postal Service’s mail volume and revenue continued to decrease in the late 2000’s they were forced to analyze the efficiencies of their operations; including the number of processing facilities, equipment and employees. In August 2011, the Postal Service introduced Network Rationalization; which would originally consolidate…
5 Takeaways from DMAW Digital Day
By Angela Stoutenburgh This October I attended DMAW’s Digital Day Forum; to borrow from Cass Bailer of Slice Communications, the experience was different. If you have been around long enough you see the same faces and memorize the talking points. But while I saw some friendly faces this year, Digital Day was full of fresh ideas…
Giving Thanks — For Elections
Thanks to the current elections, legislators have most recently had their attention turned to the polls rather than moving forward any new legislation on fundraising. Nothing new to report.
Giving Thanks for No January Postal Rate Increase
Information extracted from the Mailers’ Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC), ADRFCO notes and other sources Exigent Surcharge Update The Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) has denied the Postal Service’s request to make the Exigent increase of 4.3% permanent. The original purpose of the exigent increase was for the Postal Service to recoup their losses from the Great…
Getting More than Your Fair Share of $59 Trillion in Gifts Coming Down the Line
That’s what everyone who attended DMAW’s engaging breakfast seminar: Building Fiercely Loyal Donors learned from Marti Campbell, President and Relationship Building/Leadership Expert at Prize Inside and Kathy Swayze, CFRE, President & Creative Director at Impact Communications. You learned in DM 101 that loyal donors are your best donors. They’re also the most likely to make…