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Smaller Non-Profits Have Marketing Advantages Too

By growthzone | July 28, 2015

For more than 20 years, I’ve heard non-profits say, “Why can’t we do what (fill in the blank) does?” Inevitably, the comparison is between a large-scale nationally recognized non-profit and their own small but successful organization. So, I remind them that these large organizations have built and earned brand equity over a long period of…

Let’s Get Some Likes! Strategies for Growing Your Audience Among Millennials

By growthzone | July 6, 2015

One of the perks of working in DC? Being able to walk to the SEIU offices for the June DMAW Lunch and Learn. The first speaker was Millicent Gorham, PhD (Hon), MBA, FAAN, of the National Black Nurses Association. She described millennials as “young people coming of age in 2000, who are the largest, most…

Multi Channel vs. Integrated Marketing: A Crash Course

By growthzone | June 22, 2015

Last week I was excited to attend DMAW’s Crash Course on Integrated Marketing. As a provider of content to the nonprofit industry, I’m always on the hunt for cutting edge information and making new friends – both easy to come by at this fun and informative daylong event. There were four case studies followed by…

Using Mobile for the Red Cross Mission

By growthzone | April 29, 2015

March DMAW Lunch and Learn sponsored by mGive Lisa Kagel, Sr. Director, Digital Engagement & Customer Experience, presented to a nearly full house at the Old Ebbitt Grill in DC. She shared with us, old timers and newbies alike, just how the American Red Cross is tackling the octopus swimming around us all called “finding…

Piecing Together a Direct Marketing Campaign

By growthzone | April 27, 2015

New to direct response marketing, I jumped at the chance to attend DMAW’s March DM 101 session. As I sat through the fantastic presentations, I realized that a direct marketing campaign is actually a lot like the delicious taco bar we enjoyed for lunch: In order to have a complete taco, all the components—crunchy or…

4 Mistakes to Easily Avoid

By growthzone | April 23, 2015

by Alicia Toles Can you guess which of the following mistakes happened? A back to school appeal that mails in August without a reply envelope, a segment of donors who were included by mistake, or Midwest chapter donors receiving a mailing that references Los Angeles… If you guessed all, you are correct. Hopefully, you haven’t…

Searching for Marketing Success: You Just Need One Gold Nugget

By growthzone | April 20, 2015

By Allison Porter. We all know that professional development should be a personal professional priority but most often, completing endless tasks rules the day. We often feel selfish taking time out of our busy work days to develop ourselves personally and professionally. Especially with lean staff, a heavy workload, and just the sheer mass volume the…


By growthzone | April 16, 2015

“Succeeding in business is all about making connections.”  – Richard Branson, Virgin Group By Charlie Rice and Molly Rinaldi While we always talk about networking and being “connected,” in today’s digital world, we sometimes cheat and take the easy way out by just sending that email or text message. The truth is, though, today more…

DM 101: Entry Level Advice

By growthzone | April 7, 2015

Last month’s DM 101 provided useful information about the fundamentals of our business for industry professionals – some who have been working in this field for years, and others, like me, who just got started. Around graduations and big changes, people will give you a sound byte of knowledge. Here’s what I’ll be referencing for…

California AB 556 – Could It Have a Ripple Affect?

By growthzone | April 1, 2015

AB 556 is being fast-tracked in California. In brief, the bill would require California-registered charities to “disclose” the use of a fundraising counsel in any solicitation (phone, mail, email, web site, person-to-person) being made “with the participation” of fundraising counsel. Who knows how many letters, web pages, emails, etc. would be implicated.  Every bit of…
