When you are 60…
When you are 60, many folks start looking back, become nostalgic and dwell in the glory of the past. But when I think of the DMAW at 60, I am thinking forward. I am thinking what is next. We are currently building an online community. We are opening up Marketing AdVents to new voices and…
Winning a political campaign, landing a new job… it’s all about the data
The biggest challenge to anyone’s effort to get elected is similar to that faced by everyone seeking a job: Somebody else wants the same job. In this event, the best laid campaign plans often help, but in the end, things frequently become much messier than initially expected (see: Election 2016 Presidential Polls). What happens if…
Digital Marketers: Get Inspired and Innovate!
It’s not easy to be an innovator in the digital direct response world. We have to stay laser focused on the dollars, which means being strategic and careful with our choices. But…we have to test and expand into new channels in order to grow. So, how do you know where and how to innovate? What…
Three Steps to Optimize your Donation Form for Year End Giving
It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but it always does. The days get cooler, the leaves begin to change and – WHAMMY – it’s time to plan for year-end, holiday giving. One key element of an organization’s strategy should be to enhance its donation form experience.…
An Open Letter to Association Marketing Leaders – What I Want to Learn on September 30, 2015
Association Marketing Day — Wednesday, September 30 in Washington DC — Learn More! Dear John Graham, I hope you see my open letter to you as head of ASAE, the American Society of Association Executives. Yes, John, you frequently make yourself available to members and the public, but I’m excited about hearing you in this…
Leveraging Telemarketing to Fuel Sustainer Growth and Retention
We’re all friends here, right? So I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Almost every smart, thriving organization fundraising out there in the wild nonprofit jungle has a pretty key strategy in common. They are laser focused on growing and cultivating their monthly giving program. Seems like a no-brainer, right? Your donors…
Marketing on a Low Budget – You Can Be Successful!
This blog is authored by Millicent Gorham, PhD (HON), MBA, FAAN, Executive Director, National Black Nurses Association who is one of the Co-Chairs of the September 30th DMAW Association Marketing Day. I have always said that if I can get nurses to experience the National Black Nurses Association (NBNA) annual conference, they will be hooked! They…
Multi Channel vs. Integrated Marketing: A Crash Course
Last week I was excited to attend DMAW’s Crash Course on Integrated Marketing. As a provider of content to the nonprofit industry, I’m always on the hunt for cutting edge information and making new friends – both easy to come by at this fun and informative daylong event. There were four case studies followed by…