Direct Marketing 101: Database, Online Marketing, and Telefundraising
Part three of a new blog series. Fundraising is a major facet to the Direct Marketing world. Whether you work in-house or at an agency, it is crucial to understand the techniques and strategies in order to create a successful campaign. In our third and final blog post on DMAW’s DM 101 workshop, learn from…
Direct Marketing 101: Data
Part two of a new blog series. In Direct Marketing, data plays a crucial component to measuring the success of a campaign. How is it collected? Processed? Received? Our data helps garner our results and tells us what worked, what didn’t work, and what we can do next to improve on the next campaign. In…
The Overachiever’s Guide to Year-End Fundraising
Many charities receive more than forty percent of their annual revenue during the year-end fundraising season. Despite their best intentions, many also wait until late in the year to formulate and initiate their year-end strategies. But some fundraisers achieve astounding results without looking at a single word of copy over Thanksgiving dinner! Who are these…
USPS Promotion Programs for 2016
Excerpts quoted from the Rapid Information Bulletin Board System (RIBBS) website. In late 2015 the United States Postal Service (USPS) filed a proposal with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) for approval of five promotional programs aimed at increasing mail volumes by offering incentives to mailers. Recently approved by the PRC the five promotions for the…
Are We Losing Our Visionaries?
I had the distinct honor and privilege to know and work with two icons in our industry who have recently passed away… On November 20, 2015, Austin Kiplinger, who led Kiplinger Washington Editors, business and economic forecasting publications for more than three decades, and an expert in direct response, lost his battle with cancer. Over…
The Best of Direct 2015 Awards Ceremony & Holiday Party
Tis the season – to celebrate with friends, drink and be jolly, and most importantly attend the Best of Direct 2015 Awards Ceremony and Holiday Party. On December 3, 2015, hundreds of direct marketing professionals gathered at the National Press Club to celebrate the holiday season, and to honor achievement within the industry. For the…
Are You Leaving Money On The Table For Your Sustainer Program?
Telemarketing – It is the channel that sometimes just the thought of proposing can leave you wondering how many objections you’ll have to overcome. The September 17th Lunch and Learn “Leverage Telemarketing to Fuel Sustainer Growth and Revenue” presentation given by Molly Barker, Director of Marketing for Hillary for America and Meg Kross Lee, Vice…
E-News 2.0
This article is a continuation from November’s issue of DMAW AdVents. Let’s quickly recap, shall we? Email newsletters are often overlooked and under-appreciated, but the truth is that nearly every (perhaps every!) successful digital fundraising program includes the e-newsletter to some extent. Whether it’s monthly, quarterly or even annually, it’s important to provide your…