Monthly or Bust: Creating a Sustainer Culture
On his very first day as membership director, Dane Grams strove to make monthly donors the centerpiece to the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) sustainer strategy. Why? Well, as he convinced the HRC development team—and now the audience at the DMAW Lunch & Learn: Sustainer Recruitment and Engagement event—monthly sustainers give the most money over…
Oyster Folds, Pixie Dust, and Lenticular Motion, Oh My! at the IFIT Forum
If you were in the audience of the 2017 DMAW Innovative Formats Integrated Techniques (IFIT) Forum on March 7th in lovely Arlington, VA, you know what I mean when I exclaim, “What a buffet of ideas!” The presentations kicked off promptly at 9:00 am with introductory remarks from the ‘time captains’ and brilliant co-chairs Shannon…
Brainstorming new ideas for your next marketing campaign?
Here’s a sure fire way to gain some competitive marketing intelligence: one word – IFIT. Because if you’re interested in learning what’s new, unique and working in digital, mobile, and direct mail – you need to get March 7th on your calendar – pronto. The DMAW Innovative Formats Inventive Techniques (IFIT) Seminar brings suppliers, manufacturers…
Direct Marketing 101: Mail is Not Dead
You are important. You matter. When push comes to shove, you’re the one that will make a difference. A bit over the top perhaps, but do you feel engaged right now? If so, the piece of advice I’m following from DMAW’s Direct Marketing 101 event has worked—use ‘you’ liberally and make your audience a part…
Image Optimization for SEO
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at Whether you write articles for your blog or have a small business website, it’s important that each page has some sort of image included. Images are a great way to introduce your message, make your blog post more memorable and even add color to your blog. One of…
A True Peaceful Transfer of Power
On January 24th the Direct Marketing Association of Washington (DMAW) held its annual meeting at the SEIU Conference Center. The first order of business was the peaceful transfer of power from the 2016 Board of Directors to the 2017 Board which includes 22 members. And of course, Past President Cheryl Keedy peacefully passing the gavel…
Direct Mail Copy for Skimmers, Swimmers and Divers
Direct response copywriting is a combination of art and science. There are thoughtful reasons behind the techniques, phrases and structure of the copy used in different media, as well as the way it’s formatted. It all begins with knowing that people consume information in different ways and that copy will be seen by very different…