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From Sacred Cows to Successful Campaigns — Real Life Victories

By growthzone | July 18, 2017

What happens after you tip your sacred cows?  In our previous blogs (one and two), we discussed how to identify your nonprofit’s specific sacred cows — those programs, events, campaigns, and practices that you perform religiously, often because that’s the way it’s always been done. Or sometimes our sacred cows are programs that represent too…

Identifying the Sacred Cows That Are Holding You Back

By growthzone | July 12, 2017

Let’s say you’re committed to tipping some sacred cows. You are ready to challenge and evaluate everything: your mission, your approach, your revenue. How do you identify your organization’s specific sacred cows? In our first blog of this series, we discussed the various fundraising practices nonprofits perform religiously — often with the only strategy being…

How Do You Tip a Sacred Cow? Strength and Patience.

By growthzone | June 27, 2017

Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” We all tend to agree with this — but do we as nonprofits put it into practice? Particularly in our fundraising work? Echoing this same sentiment, management expert Tom Northrup once said, “All organizations are perfectly designed to get…

Nonprofits Must Leverage Millennials to Navigate the Digital Era

By growthzone | June 15, 2017

Digital communications have undoubtedly become an integral part of daily life. President Trump’s tweets instantaneously reach over 30 million people worldwide. Media outlets such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, and BuzzFeed routinely use Facebook Live and other digital applications to engage with supporters and share breaking news. Through Instagram and Snapchat, high…

You Win Some, You Lose More. Don’t’ Let Your Donors Walk Away: Make Retention Your New Acquisition

By growthzone | June 5, 2017

Did you know that most nonprofits are not currently measuring donor retention on a monthly basis? Do you know why it matters? According to The 2017 Fundraising Effectiveness Project report in 2016, every $100 gained in gifts was offset by $95 in losses through gift attrition. Let that sink in; for every dollar amount you…

Sneak Peek on What to Expect at Upping Your Digital Program Workshop

By growthzone | May 31, 2017

Don’t have a digital program? You’re not alone—more than half of nonprofits and charities don’t take advantage of the opportunities that digital marketing brings to the table. For those organizations and those who are looking to improve their digital programs, DMAW is hosting the Upping Your Digital Program Workshop on June 8th. I had a…

Fundraisers Face Significant Retention Decline

By growthzone | April 28, 2017

Retention matters. It is sometimes the greatest—but most profitable—challenge you may face as a fundraiser. And it’s getting harder. That’s why DMAW is hosting a Lunch & Learn to provide a Retention Roadmap—answering your top retention questions and putting you on a path to file growth. For the past 10 years, donor retention has been…

Data Strategy Forum Brings List Community Under One Roof

By growthzone | April 19, 2017

On May 9th, list professionals will be convening once again, but instead of heading to the List Bazaar, they are all coming down for the new and improved Data Strategy Forum. The name change reflects the changes in the industry. Certainly, for a long time now, we have been working with more than just mailing…

Monthly or Bust: Creating a Sustainer Culture

By growthzone | April 7, 2017

  On his very first day as membership director, Dane Grams strove to make monthly donors the centerpiece to the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) sustainer strategy. Why? Well, as he convinced the HRC development team—and now the audience at the DMAW Lunch & Learn: Sustainer Recruitment and Engagement event—monthly sustainers give the most money over…

2017 Data Strategy Forum (Formerly List Bazaar)

By growthzone | April 4, 2017

  The annual gathering of list professionals started in the mid-1980s as a way to exchange and market mail list information. We didn’t have web sites, emails, Mail Chimp or any online capabilities to share our lists.  Word of mouth…it was as simple as that! But, in recent years, we have been doing much more…
