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Art Meets Science at 2018 Bridge Conference

By growthzone | September 5, 2018

You came, you saw, and you hopefully conquered new marketing techniques at this year’s Bridge to Integrated Marketing & Fundraising Conference. If you missed it, here’s a quick synopsis: Four great keynote speakers. NPR Science Correspondent and Host Shankar Vedantam wowed attendees with the latest break throughs in social science research, including the “hidden brain”—our…

The Next Rising Star

By growthzone | August 27, 2018

An emerging leader. A great attitude. Exceptional work ethic and results. Someone you like to be around in and outside of the office. Basically, a fundraising/marketing rockstar. Sound like anyone you know? I am lucky enough to know one or two, but I could really use your help in identifying another one. In fact, they…

Bridging the Gap: Cheers to Our Volunteers

By growthzone | August 13, 2018

The Bridge Conference. If you made it there this year, you probably are feeling like I am—inspired by great speakers, armed with new ideas and energized by meeting with both old and new colleagues. Well-done conferences, like weddings, appear seamless as an attendee. But for anyone who has worked at one—as a speaker, in a…

Leaders Are Readers.

By growthzone | July 27, 2018

I’ve got it from multiple sources…simply reading won’t cut it. You need to vary what you read to keep your mind sharp and your creativity flowing. You might be thinking, “Well, that’s great. But what else should I be reading?” I’ve decided to take a chapter from some of DMAW’s Industry All-Star awardees—literally—and see what…

Building a Zipper to the Moon

By growthzone | July 20, 2018

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find group brainstorming sessions a bit intimidating. I mean, the creative team is there. And they always have the best ideas, right? And yet, here I was, attending a session on brainstorming, led by two top-tier creatives, Prudence Bovee and Steve Fleshman. The tables were set for…

News Flash— Direct Mail and Print Not Dead

By growthzone | June 28, 2018

Technology isn’t killing direct mail… It’s making it more efficient, cheaper and adding new options to the game. So before you ring the bell to bring out your dead direct mail programs, take a step back, breathe and ask yourself: how can I take advantage of all this? If you missed the DMAW Production Strategies…

Applying Digital Tactics to Membership Organizations and Components

By growthzone | June 22, 2018

With a lengthy to-do list and planning for our large annual governance conference, the thought of missing a full day of work is quite daunting. But the time spent at the DMAW Digital Day Forum was so worthwhile! To my pleasure, I was able to immediately start applying some of the digital tips and tricks…

We entered muggles. We left magicians.

By growthzone | June 19, 2018

I think it was Dumbledore who once said, “Magic is best taught in the morning.” In truth, I’m not sure he said this. But morning was the perfect time for DMAW to host “Mid-level Magic”—taught by marketing masters Lisa Maska, CFRE and Jillian Leslie of Lautman Maska Neill & Company. Lisa and Jillian opened this…

The Magic Your Organization Needs—June 14th Session on Mid-level Donors

By growthzone | June 8, 2018

So often, the situation is the same: you’ve worked hard to acquire loyal, valuable donors. They receive a great series of appeals each year that use innovative strategies and best practices. Maybe you’ve incorporated some Planned Giving marketing and a monthly giving push into your thriving direct mail program. You might even have a robust…

Production Strategies Forum

By growthzone | June 4, 2018

Direct Mail production is complex and ever-evolving. With the introduction of new technologies and techniques, it’s more important than ever to understand the many options and applications available to you. Our Production Strategies Forum on June 19th is designed to guide you in that effort. We have gathered some of the industry’s best and most…
