Guest Bloggers
Why I’m Co-Chairing Digital Day Again (and You Should Join Me There)
by Jared Schwartz, Vice President, Strategy & Innovation Beaconfire RED “Why I’m Co-Chairing Digital Day Again (and You Should Join Me There)” is reposted with permission of the author. This will be my 3rd year involved with DMAW’s Digital Day and my 2nd year as the conference’s co-chair. It’s been very rewarding to watch Digital…
Read More5 Tips for a Successful Fundraising Campaign
As fundraisers, creating successful campaigns is our mission. We take all of our wonderful ideas and we test to find the right combination of tactics that will have the “stickiness” we need. Successful campaigns have to be thoughtfully planned to get us to our destination. These are 5 helpful tips for your next fundraising campaign.…
Read MoreMaking Memories, and Renewing the Connection
By Marie Morganelli Recently, I signed up for a membership with The Rails to Trails Conservancy. For $10, I received a t-shirt, a membership card, and an acknowledgement that included another opportunity for me to part with my money in support of this organization. Receiving that membership card made me stop and really think about…
Read MorePower up your Peer-to-Peer Web Site
By Dawn Iype Runs, walks, and rides, oh my! All are becoming increasingly popular with charities looking to engage and leverage their existing donor base. Peer-to-peer fundraising is a great way to use your current donors to reach new ones. When your supporters ask their own personal contacts for donations, those prospective donors are much…
Read MoreKey Performance Indicators: 4 Key Takeaways Every Marketer Needs to Know
By Rachel Reid I had the opportunity to participate in Defining and Using KPIs for Measurability and Success, a webinar hosted by the Direct Marketing Association of Washington (DMAW) and sponsored by RHA Marketing. Elizabeth Engel, CEO & Chief Strategist of Spark Consulting, and Trevor Mitchell, Vice President of American Mensa discussed the importance of…
Read MoreWhat REALLY Drives Success for Your Association?
Reprinted with permission by the author. Information overload – we all experience it personally, every day, with our emails and social media feeds and online media and print media and broadcast media, and that’s hard enough to manage. But in 2016, our associations ALSO struggle with information overload. We have many rich sources of data about…
Read MoreCharitable Giving: Donors Focus On One or Two Organizations
by Daniela Yu and Amy Adkins Charitable Giving: Donors Focus On One or Two Organizations is reposted with permission from Gallup. STORY HIGHLIGHTS Donors regularly give to one or two charities Fully engaged donors are twice as likely to plan to increase their funding A compelling brand or service promise engages donors Americans have a strong…
Read MoreThe Overachiever’s Guide to Year-End Fundraising
Many charities receive more than forty percent of their annual revenue during the year-end fundraising season. Despite their best intentions, many also wait until late in the year to formulate and initiate their year-end strategies. But some fundraisers achieve astounding results without looking at a single word of copy over Thanksgiving dinner! Who are these…
Read MoreLeveraging Telemarketing to Fuel Sustainer Growth and Retention
We’re all friends here, right? So I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Almost every smart, thriving organization fundraising out there in the wild nonprofit jungle has a pretty key strategy in common. They are laser focused on growing and cultivating their monthly giving program. Seems like a no-brainer, right? Your donors…
Read MoreMarketing on a Low Budget – You Can Be Successful!
This blog is authored by Millicent Gorham, PhD (HON), MBA, FAAN, Executive Director, National Black Nurses Association who is one of the Co-Chairs of the September 30th DMAW Association Marketing Day. I have always said that if I can get nurses to experience the National Black Nurses Association (NBNA) annual conference, they will be hooked! They…
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