Guest Bloggers
Guest Blog: Social Media: It’s Not Just About FB and Twitter
By Sue Marchese, Director of Business Development, Production Solutions Senior Strategist of Social Media at Living Social, Jason Peck ironically thought back in 2007 that “Twitter is for stalkers, thieves and jealous girlfriends.” Fast forwarding to Jason’s presentation at the DMAW’s October Lunch & Learn, Jason now not only embraces Twitter today, but he encourages…
Read MoreLead Nurturing: Recap of the September Lunch & Learn
Lead nurturing isn’t just for salespeople (though it’s critical for them, too!). Membership Directors, fundraisers, and direct marketers must work on this, because, properly done, nurtured leads produce: 4-10x the response rates of cold prospects Purchases or donations that are 47% higher A 10% increase in return over the first nine months Today’s DMA lunch…
Read MoreDriving Digital Marketing Success with Google Analytics
Ready Set Rocket: any luncheon speaker from an agency like that is bound to create a little fun (and perhaps impart some something meaningful along the way)! The topic at the July 19th Lunch & Learn was Marketing Metrics, certainly the focus of marketers everywhere, and in this case, a focus on Google Analytics. Jonathan Lawoyin…
Read MoreYou’ve Got Data and the Message. Vehicle Delivery Needed.
“Ha! You’ve got to be kidding. You can barely walk the dog without getting winded and you think you can run a 10 K….” My inner struggle begins with a glance at a piece of mail. “Sure you used to play baseball back in the day but that was when you had a sliver of…
Read MoreAnd the Maxi Goes to……Me! Jim Chmielewski
I became a Board member of the DMAW in 2011, but for more years than I can remember, I attended the Maxi Awards every summer. For me, it is a very exciting time. The awards kick off the annual DMAW Conference (for the last six years the Bridge Conference) and are a time for me…
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