Guest Bloggers
Smaller Non-Profits Have Marketing Advantages Too
For more than 20 years, I’ve heard non-profits say, “Why can’t we do what (fill in the blank) does?” Inevitably, the comparison is between a large-scale nationally recognized non-profit and their own small but successful organization. So, I remind them that these large organizations have built and earned brand equity over a long period of…
Read MoreLet’s Get Some Likes! Strategies for Growing Your Audience Among Millennials
One of the perks of working in DC? Being able to walk to the SEIU offices for the June DMAW Lunch and Learn. The first speaker was Millicent Gorham, PhD (Hon), MBA, FAAN, of the National Black Nurses Association. She described millennials as “young people coming of age in 2000, who are the largest, most…
Read MoreMulti Channel vs. Integrated Marketing: A Crash Course
Last week I was excited to attend DMAW’s Crash Course on Integrated Marketing. As a provider of content to the nonprofit industry, I’m always on the hunt for cutting edge information and making new friends – both easy to come by at this fun and informative daylong event. There were four case studies followed by…
Read MoreUsing Mobile for the Red Cross Mission
March DMAW Lunch and Learn sponsored by mGive Lisa Kagel, Sr. Director, Digital Engagement & Customer Experience, presented to a nearly full house at the Old Ebbitt Grill in DC. She shared with us, old timers and newbies alike, just how the American Red Cross is tackling the octopus swimming around us all called “finding…
Read MoreSearching for Marketing Success: You Just Need One Gold Nugget
By Allison Porter. We all know that professional development should be a personal professional priority but most often, completing endless tasks rules the day. We often feel selfish taking time out of our busy work days to develop ourselves personally and professionally. Especially with lean staff, a heavy workload, and just the sheer mass volume the…
Read MoreDM 101: Entry Level Advice
Last month’s DM 101 provided useful information about the fundamentals of our business for industry professionals – some who have been working in this field for years, and others, like me, who just got started. Around graduations and big changes, people will give you a sound byte of knowledge. Here’s what I’ll be referencing for…
Read MoreDMAW/EF Professor’s Institute 2014
What entices twenty-nine Marketing Professors from sixteen different Universities to brave ‘Polar Vortex 2014’? Why would anyone (especially well-educated professors) give up vacation time to convene for a two day conference… especially the week before classes begin, in temperatures well below the freezing mark? They’re crazy! You might guess. If so, you’re right. We are…
Read MoreFreshly Mentored: One student’s success story in DMAW’s Mentor for a Day Program
written by Brittany Barkes Back in the spring of 2011, I was a generally confused junior at the University of Delaware who was sick and tired of hearing, “Well, what do you want to do with an English degree?” I can’t deny that I often felt insecure about my future when I was constantly bombarded…
Read MoreMobile First Mentality and Testing will move your Organization Forward in Digital Marketing
by Danielle Hart At DMAW’s Digital Day, keynote Greg Kihlstom hit the nail on the head when he opened his presentation by describing how the world is growing more digital, mobile and segmented by niche markets. So what does that mean for the future of the Direct Marketing industry? Now more than ever, customers and…
Read MoreCan You R.E.L.A.T.E?
During the DMAW luncheon on October 17th, we joined the world of “Listen Up Español!” Randall Anderson “delivered awesomeness” with tips and lessons on how to engage the Hispanic market. According to the Nielsen report, Hispanics account for $1.2 trillion dollars per year in buying power, we better start paying more attention to this fast…
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