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Special Offer to 8 Young Professionals to attend the 6th Annual Best of Direct Holiday Party and Awards Ceremony!

Thanks to Concord Litho, Donna Tschiffely, DMAW Executive Director, is pleased to be able to offer eight (8) young professionals sponsorship opportunities to attend the 6th Annual Best of Direct Holiday Party and Awards Ceremony! The Best of Direct Holiday Party and Awards Ceremony is hosted by the DMAW and DMAW-Educational Foundation and will be held: Tuesday,…

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Mobile First Mentality and Testing will move your Organization Forward in Digital Marketing

by Danielle Hart At DMAW’s Digital Day, keynote Greg Kihlstom hit the nail on the head when he opened his presentation by describing how the world is growing more digital, mobile and segmented by niche markets. So what does that mean for the future of the Direct Marketing industry? Now more than ever, customers and…

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Can You R.E.L.A.T.E?

During the DMAW luncheon on October 17th, we joined the world of “Listen Up Español!” Randall Anderson “delivered awesomeness” with tips and lessons on how to engage the Hispanic market. According to the Nielsen report, Hispanics account for $1.2 trillion dollars per year in buying power, we better start paying more attention to this fast…

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Are Your Emails “Good Enough” For Mobile?

By Jennifer Newell, Digital Services Manager, Production Solutions/PS Digital Last week I attended the DMAW’s Digital Day Forum and came away with a lot of great takeaways. But one of the sessions that stood out to me most was Making Your Emails Mobile Friendly, presented by Dan Caro, Director, Online Marketing Operations at Whereoware. Did…

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Secret’s in the Sauce

By: Stephen Godbout You’ve probably heard that phrase before, but now the secret is out. The lovely and talented Carol Ann Faber spilled the beans at DMAW’s Lunch & Learn last Thursday with a spectacular presentation on content marketing: The Secret Sauce of Content Marketing (Turning Prospects into Members, Donors & Customers). But in case…

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Think your marketing efforts are ahead of the curve? Think again.

By Danielle Hart Just as organizations are catching up with content marketing and big data, there’s a new wave of technology being ushered in at an incredibly fast and overwhelming rate. And contrary to popular belief, marketers are not prepared. “The most exciting thing about the future is that no matter what, history matters, and…

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Let’s Geek Out Over Data!

by Gay Bitter I am a self-professed data geek, so Angela Struebing’s presentation on Multichannel Attribution at the August DMAW Lunch and Learn was right up my alley.  Calculators were not provided but there was plenty of math during this great presentation! So, what is multichannel attribution and why does it matter?  This methodology provides…

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Christmas in July? Not Quite, but Close…

by Heather Marsh  It may only be August, but if you haven’t yet started planning for the year-end giving season, now’s the time! You may think you have plenty of time to put together your year-end campaigns, but before you know it, we’ll all be bundled up, eating turkey and missing the warm weather. Don’t get…

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Mail is not dead, but we must innovate and diversify to stay relevant!

USPS New Products and Innovations Executive Enlightens DMAW Lunch and Learn Attendees about Increasing the Long-term Value of Mail by Leveraging New Technology At the June 20 DMAW Lunch and Learn, Gary Reblin, the United States Postal Service’s Vice President of New Products and Innovations, strongly advised that organizations need to be innovative in order…

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2013 Direct Marketing 201 (DM201) PowerPoint Presentations

Keynote Sponsor Breakfast Break Sponsor Lunch Break Sponsor   Thank you for attending DM 201! We appreciate your attendance and hope you found the event helpful in making you more successful in your position. Below, you will find the DM 201 speakers and topics along with a link to download each presentation. Tom Gaffny, Tom…

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