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Congratulations to our 2014 Hall of Leaders Award Recipients!




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[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”12″ gal_title=”Part 1″]

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”14″ gal_title=”Part 2 (1993-1980)”]


1979: John Carlin*
1978: Gwen Fitzpatrick
1977: Paddy Skinder
1976: Bob Ames*
1975: Robert Warfel
1974: Eileen Charney*
1973: Orville Shirey*
1972: Richard Viguerie
1971: Dorothy Kerr
1970: Roland Kuniholm
1969: John Jay Daly*
1968: Jim Dimond
1967: Stan Mayes*
1966: Edwin Riley*
1965: Ralph Ives*
1964: Ferd Nauheim*
1963: Guy Yolton*
1962: Anthony Gould*
1961: Jack Fauntleroy
1960: Troy Rodlum*
1959: Boyce Morgan*
1958: Rodney Daffer*