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About Us

Who Is DMAW?

DMAW members are nonprofit integrated direct response fundraisers, marketers, and engagement advocates. We offer educational programming, networking opportunities, and professional development. Our community includes anyone who works with or for nonprofits to better engage their members and supporters as well as those who aim to foster the next generation experts in this field.

As a DMAW Member you will be a part of the foremost direct marketing organization in the area. You’ll receive discounts on all association events.

DMAW Mission Statement

DMAW cultivates a community of marketing and fundraising practitioners by creating premier education, valuable connections, and professional development to improve mission outcomes in the nonprofit and social impact sector.

DMAW Vision

A vibrant, growing, supportive, and informed direct response fundraising and marketing community.

DMAW Goals

  1. Attract and retain more marketing and fundraising practitioners from nonprofit and social impact organizations to expand our collective impact.
  2. Profitably expand our current geographic region into select markets through a strong brand, programming, and membership.
  3. Establish effective and efficient governance, operational, and financial practices that position DMAW for growth.

DMAW Values

Ethical business practices | Helping others make better mission impacts | Improving the recognition of the profession | Continual learning

DMAW Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement

The DMAW recognizes that diversity makes us better, and we are committed to equity and inclusion across race, gender, age, religion, identity, experience, physical or mental ability, ethnicity, and perspective. We commit ourselves to an earnest and wholehearted effort to include and welcome all people. Furthermore, we commit ourselves to dismantling any inequities discovered within our policies, systems, programs, and services. We remain steadfast in our commitment to provide mentorship, education, and networking opportunities to all members, knowing that these tools will be instrumental in the professional growth of future leaders of our industry.

DMAW Bylaws

Please feel free to download the DMAW Bylaws Approved 1-2024.

Bylaws are an organization’s operating manual. They define:

  • Size of the board and how it will function
  • Roles and duties of directors and officers
  • Rules and procedures for holding meetings, electing directors, and appointing officers
  • Conflict of interest policies and procedures

To meet the changing times, the DMAW membership at its 2021 Annual Business meeting approved bylaw changes.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate the Executive Director, Donna Tschiffely at or (703) 689-DMAW (3629).

Please feel free to view the DMAW Privacy Statement.

DMAW Staff

Executive Director
Donna Tschiffely

Staff Accountant
Ann Walsh

Marketing Manager
RJ Smith

Sales (Sponsor, advertising & booths)
Terri Jones


Angelica Sullivan


Heidi Ashley