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Webinar: Defining and Using KPIs for Measurability and Success

When you have too many numbers to crunch and report, this webinar will help you determine which Key Performance Indicators truly make the difference in how you, your boss, and your board can—and should—measure success. We’ll talk about what KPIs are and aren’t, the main categories they fall into, and how to figure out what you should be measuring, all illustrated by stories from American Mensa’s journey towards using KPIs to drive greater success.

Learning objectives:

  • Participants will understand the four main categories of KPIs.
  • Participants will learn what vanity metrics are and how to avoid them.
  • Participants will discover the importance of measuring the right things.
  • Participants will hear stories of an actual association’s experiences working with KPIs to drive success.


Download the presentation slides. [PDF file -- 14MB]
Download the presentation and audio. [MP4 file -- 39MB]