2014 List Bazaar Presentations
Below, please find links to the June 17th 2014 List Bazaar (approved for distribution) speaker presentations. If you have any questions, please contact Eerik Kreek, DMAW Program and Marketing Manager at (703) 689-3629 or via email: eerik@dmaw.org.
Rachel Nyswander Thomas, Executive Director of the Data-Driven Marketing Institute (DDMI) and Vice President of Government Affairs for the Direct Marketing Association (DMA)
Rachel Nyswander Thomas is Executive Director of the Data-Driven Marketing Institute (DDMI) and Vice President of Government Affairs for the Direct Marketing Association (DMA).
Thomas lead DDMI in conducting independent, academic research regarding how the responsible use of consumer data shapes industry and society. She directs DDMI efforts to engage policymakers, consumers and the media in conversations about the responsible use of data, ensuring that DDMI research informs data policy debates in Washington and beyond.
As Vice President of Government Affairs, Thomas represents the data-driven marketing community’s policymaking interests on Capitol Hill, before key federal agencies and in multi-stakeholder policy forums. She leads industry-wide policy coalitions on issues of consumer data use, including children’s privacy, mobile and geolocation technology, social media, behavioral targeting, data security and cybersecurity. She serves as consultant to DMA members regarding policy engagement and regulatory compliance. Thomas also manages strategic communications to members, policymakers, press and other key stakeholders.
List Analysis – Long-Term Payback:
Rick Christ, Vice President, Online Fundraising, Amergent
For over 30 years, Rick has been on the analytical and data side of direct marketing and fundraising, testing new lists, new package designs, and new media. At Amergent he serves dozens of successful regional healthcare institutions, food banks, and other clients.
Rick Christ didn’t invent the Internet, but he was one of the first to help nonprofits use it, going back to 1999. He is a frequent writer and speaker on the subject. Rick is a Contributing Editor of NonProfit Times and former President of the Direct Marketing Association of Washington.
He founded NPAdvisors.com, which was acquired by Amergent in 2009. He serves healthcare, faith-based and other clients who wish to integrate their direct fundraising efforts. He has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Arizona. – See more at: http://www.imabgroup.net/authors/rick-christ.html#sthash.Uf82Gs4f.dpuf